WASHINGTON, D. C.  20549

                                    FORM 10-Q



                        COMMISSION FILE NUMBER   0-12919

                                 PIZZA INN, INC.

                  MISSOURI                        47-0654575

                                5050 QUORUM DRIVE
                                    SUITE 500
                              DALLAS, TEXAS  75240
                               INCLUDING ZIP CODE)

                                 (972) 701-9955
                         (REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER,
                              INCLUDING AREA CODE)



     AT  MAY  10,  1999,  AN  AGGREGATE OF 11,420,925 SHARES OF THE REGISTRANT'S

                                 PIZZA INN, INC.


- ------------------------------                                                                                              


Item 1.                               Financial Statements                                Page
- -------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----
         Consoldiated Statements of Operations for the three months and six months ended
         March 28, 1999 and March 29, 1998                                                   3

         Consolidated Balance Sheets at March 28, 1999 and June 28, 1998                     4

         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the six months ended                      5
         March 28, 1999 and March 29, 1998

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                          7

         Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of
        -------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Financial Condition and Results of Operations                                       9
          ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----


         Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                       12
         -------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

         Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                          12
         -------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

         Signatures                                                                         13

                         PART 1.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION

- --------------------------------

                                            PIZZA INN, INC.
                                 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                               (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)

                                                  THREE MONTHS ENDED                NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                  -------------------               ------------------
                                            MARCH 28,           MARCH 29,       MARCH 28,   MARCH 29,
REVENUES:                                     1999                 1998            1999        1998
                                       -------------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------
  Food and supply sales                $            14,004  $           14,516  $   43,835  $   43,678
  Franchise revenue                                  1,364               1,579       4,214       4,944
  Restaurant sales                                     576                 619       1,722       2,063
  Other income                                          73                 150         192         299
                                       -------------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------
                                                    16,017              16,864      49,963      50,984
                                       -------------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------

  Cost of sales                                     12,700              13,094      40,415      39,407
  Franchise expenses                                   743                 882       2,289       2,540
  General and administrative expenses                1,261               1,383       3,992       3,825
  Interest expense                                     140                 117         396         375
                                       -------------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------
                                                    14,844              15,476      47,092      46,147
                                       -------------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                           1,173               1,388       2,871       4,837

  Provision for income taxes                           373                 209         897       1,382
                                       -------------------  ------------------  ----------  ----------

NET INCOME                             $               800  $            1,179  $    1,974  $    3,455
                                       ===================  ==================  ==========  ==========

BASIC EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE        $              0.07  $             0.09  $     0.17  $     0.27
                                       ===================  ==================  ==========  ==========

DILUTED EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE      $              0.07  $             0.09  $     0.16  $     0.25
                                       ===================  ==================  ==========  ==========

DIVIDENDS DECLARED PER COMMON SHARE    $                 -  $                -  $     0.12  $     0.12
                                       ===================  ==================  ==========  ==========

WEIGHTED AVERAGE COMMON SHARES                      11,483              12,734      11,762      12,709
                                       ===================  ==================  ==========  ==========

  POTENTIAL DILUTIVE COMMON SHARES                  11,788              13,868      12,332      13,630
                                       ===================  ==================  ==========  ==========

                     See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                     PIZZA INN, INC.
                               CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                            (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT SHARE DATA)

                                                                  MARCH 28,    JUNE 28,
                                                                     1999        1998
                                                                 ------------  ---------
ASSETS                                                           (unaudited)
  Cash and cash equivalents                                      $        590  $   2,335
  Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful
    accounts of $807 and $825, respectively                             5,426      6,021
  Notes receivable, current portion, less allowance
    for doubtful accounts of $158 and $174, respectively                  538        741
  Inventories                                                           1,963      1,953
  Prepaid expenses and other                                              636        556
                                                                 ------------  ---------
    Total current assets                                                9,153     11,606

  Property, plant and equipment, net                                    1,823      1,921
  Property under capital leases, net                                    1,362        761
  Deferred taxes, net                                                   5,793      6,705
  Long-term notes receivable, less
    allowance for doubtful accounts of $80 and $8,respectively            764        436
  Deposits and other                                                      387        344
                                                                 ------------  ---------
                                                                 $     19,282  $  21,773
                                                                 ============  =========
  Accounts payable - trade                                       $      3,052  $   2,014
  Accrued expenses                                                      1,719      2,507
  Current portion of capital lease obligations                            237        125
                                                                 ------------  ---------
    Total current liabilities                                           5,008      4,646

  Long-term debt                                                        6,400      4,700
  Long-term capital lease obligations                                   1,156        754
  Other long-term liabilities                                             719        756
                                                                 ------------  ---------
                                                                       13,283     10,856
                                                                 ------------  ---------

  Common Stock, $.01 par value; authorized 26,000,000
    shares; outstanding 11,461,130 and 12,528,436
    shares, respectively (after deducting shares in
    treasury:  March - 3,460,986; June -2,381,386)                        115        125
  Additional paid-in capital                                            4,579      4,911
  Retained earnings                                                     1,305      5,881
                                                                 ------------  ---------
    Total shareholders' equity                                          5,999     10,917
                                                                 ------------  ---------
                                                                 $     19,282  $  21,773
                                                                 ============  =========

              See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                          PIZZA INN, INC.
                               CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                           (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                    NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                        MARCH 28,        MARCH 29,
                                                                          1999             1998
                                                                   -------------------  -----------

  Net income                                                       $            1,974   $    3,455 
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to
    cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                                                 650          713 
    Provision for bad debt                                                        177          100 
    Utilization of pre-reorganization net operating
      loss carryforwards                                                          912        1,285 
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
    Notes and accounts receivable                                                 293       (1,789)
    Inventories                                                                   (10)         270 
    Accounts payable - trade                                                    1,038          662 
    Accrued expenses                                                               11         (914)
    Prepaid expenses and other                                                    (57)        (385)
                                                                   -------------------  -----------
    CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                       4,988        3,397 
                                                                   -------------------  -----------


  Capital expenditures                                                           (731)        (301)
  Acquisition of area development territory                                        -          (986)
  Proceeds from transfer of assets to capital lease                               249            - 
  Proceeds from sale of re-acquired area develepment territory                    986            - 
  Proceeds from property held for sale                                              -           66 
                                                                   -------------------  -----------
    CASH USED FOR INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                           (482)        (235)
                                                                   -------------------  -----------


  Borrowings of long-term bank debt                                             1,700            - 
  Repayments of long-term bank debt and capital lease obligations                (216)      (1,496)
  Dividends paid                                                               (2,164)      (1,530)
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                          35          778 
  Purchases of treasury stock                                                  (5,606)      (1,710)
                                                                   -------------------  -----------
    CASH USED FOR FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                         (6,251)      (3,958)
                                                                   -------------------  -----------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                      (1,745)        (796)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                  2,335        2,037 
                                                                   -------------------  -----------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                           $              590   $    1,241 
                                                                   -------------------  -----------

                    See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                             NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                          MARCH 28,       MARCH 29,
                                             1999            1998
                                      ------------------  ----------

  Interest                            $              356  $      406
  Income taxes                                         -         120

  Capital lease obligations incurred  $              730  $        -

                                 PIZZA INN, INC.

(1)     The  accompanying  consolidated  financial statements of Pizza Inn, Inc.
(the  "Company")  have  been  prepared  without  audit pursuant to the rules and
regulations  of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Certain information and
footnote  disclosures  normally included in the financial  statements have been 
omitted  pursuant  to  such  rules  and regulations.  The consolidated financial
statements should be read in conjunction with the notes to the Company's audited
consolidated  financial  statements in its Form 10-K/A for the fiscal year ended
June  28,  1998.

In  the opinion of management, the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated
financial  statements  contain  all  adjustments necessary to present fairly the
Company's  financial position and results of operations for the interim periods.
All  adjustments  contained  herein  are  of  a  normal  recurring  nature.

(2)     On March 29, 1999, the Company's Board of Directors declared a quarterly
dividend of $.06 per share on the Company's common stock, payable April 23, 1999
to  shareholders  of  record  on  April  9,  1999.

(3)     In  September  1998,  the  Company  signed an agreement with its current
lender  to  extend  the  term of its existing $9.5 million revolving credit line
through  August 2000 and to modify certain financial covenants.  As of March 28,
1999,  the  Company  was  in  compliance  with  all  of  its  debt  covenants.

(4)     The  Company  decreased the net deferred tax asset during the quarter by
$240,820  for  general business tax credits that are not expected to be utilized
through  an addition to the tax valuation allowance.  These general business tax
credits  are  due  to  expire  in  2000  and will not be utilized prior to their
expiration  due  to  a  decrease in the estimated taxable income for this fiscal
year.  The  Company  believes that it is more likely than not that these credits
will  not  be  realized.  This reduction is included in the provision for income
tax  for  the  quarter  and  the  nine  months.

Effective December 28, 1997, the Company adopted SFAS 128, "Earnings Per Share",
which  establishes  standards  for  computing  and presenting earnings per share
(EPS).  The statement requires dual presentation of basic and diluted EPS on the
face  of  the  income statement for entities with complex capital structures and
requires  a  reconciliation  of  the  numerator and denominator of the basic EPS
computation,  to  the  numerator and denominator of the diluted EPS calculation.
Basic  EPS  excludes the effect of potentially dilutive securities while diluted
EPS  reflects  the  potential  dilution  that would occur if securities or other
contracts  to  issue  common  stock were exercised, converted or resulted in the
issuance  of  common  stock that then shared in the earnings of the entity.  The
following table shows the reconciliation of the numerator and denominator of the
basic  EPS  calculation  to  the  numerator  and  denominator of the diluted EPS
calculation  (in  thousands,  except  per  share  amounts).

                                                  INCOME        SHARES      PER SHARE
                                               (NUMERATOR)   (DENOMINATOR)    AMOUNT
                                               ------------  -------------  ----------
Income Available to Common Shareholders        $        800         11,483  $     0.07
Effect of Dilutive Securities - Stock Options                          305
Income Available to Common Shareholders
& Assumed Conversions                          $        800         11,788  $     0.07
                                               ============  =============  ==========

Income Available to Common Shareholders        $      1,179         12,734  $     0.09
Effect of Dilutive Securities - Stock Options                        1,134
Income Available to Common Shareholders
& Assumed Conversions                          $      1,179         13,868  $     0.09
                                               ============  =============  ==========

Income Available to Common Shareholders        $      1,974         11,762  $     0.17
Effect of Dilutive Securities - Stock Options                          570
Income Available to Common Shareholders
& Assumed Conversions                          $      1,974         12,332  $     0.16
                                               ============  =============  ==========

Income Available to Common Shareholders        $      3,455         12,709  $     0.27
Effect of Dilutive Securities - Stock Options                          921
Income Available to Common Shareholders
& Assumed Conversions                          $      3,455         13,630  $     0.25
                                               ============  =============  ==========

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------

Quarter  and  nine  months ended March 28, 1999 compared to the quarter and nine
months  ended  March  29,  1998.

     Diluted earnings per share for the third quarter of the current fiscal year
decreased  20%  to  $.07  from $.09 for the same period last year.  For the nine
months  ended  March  28, 1999, diluted earnings per share decreased 37% to $.16
from  $.25  for the same period last year.  Net income for the quarter decreased
32%  to  $800,000  from $1,179,000 for the same quarter last year.  For the nine
months  ended  March  28,  1999,  net  income  decreased  43% to $1,974,000 from
$3,455,000  for  the  same  period  last  year.  It  should  be  noted  that the
comparisons  for  these two periods include a third quarter credit to income tax
expense  of $263,000 in the prior fiscal year of which a portion was reversed in
the  current  fiscal  year.  Additionally, net income and earnings per share for
the  three  and  nine  month periods decreased because of a lower volume of food
product  sales  from  slightly  lower  chainwide sales, lower revenues from area
development  territory  sales,  and  higher cost of sales due to extraordinarily
higher  cheese  prices  from July 1998 through January 1999.  Restaurant cost of
sales,  as  a  percentage of sales, throughout the Company's franchise community
was  up  approximately 3 percentage points, due to extraordinarily higher cheese
prices  during  these  seven months.  This increased cost also caused an adverse
effect on chainwide sales because of decreased franchisee advertising as well as
delayed  new store openings and remodelings.  Foreign economic factors continued
to  adversely  affect  international  sales  and  new  store openings in foreign

     Food  and  supply  sales  for  the quarter decreased 4% to $14,004,000 from
$14,516,000  compared  to  the same period last year.  This was primarily due to
lower international food sales and decreased equipment sales during the quarter.
For  the  nine  month  period,  food  and supply sales increased less than 1% to
$43,835,000  from  $43,678,000  for the same period last year.  During the first
nine  months, food product revenues increased due to higher cheese prices, which
were  partially  offset  by  a  lower  volume  of  food  product  sales.

     Franchise  revenue,  which includes income from royalties, license fees and
area  development  and foreign master license (collectively, "Territory") sales,
for  the  quarter  decreased  14% or $215,000 compared to the same period of the
prior  year.  The  decrease  in  the  quarter  was primarily due to lower income
recognized  from  Territory  sales  and  royalty  revenues.  For  the nine month
period,  franchise  revenue  decreased  15%  or $730,000.  The prior year's nine
month  period  included  the  recognition  of  proceeds from the sale of foreign
master  license  rights  in Brazil, the Palestinian Territories and Korea in the
amount of $371,000 and area development fees of $208,000.  Current year revenues
include  partial recognition of proceeds from the sale of foreign master license
rights  in  Puerto  Rico  in  the amount of $50,000 and area development fees of
$56,000.  Royalty revenue was down $178,000 compared to the first nine months of
last  year,  mainly  resulting  from  a  1.5%  decrease in chainwide sales and a
slightly  lower  average  royalty  rate due to both more restaurants within area
development territories and a lower ratio of full service units to Delco/Express

     Restaurant  sales,  which  consist  of  revenue  generated by Company-owned
stores,  for  the quarter decreased 7% or $43,000 compared to the same period of
the  prior  year.  For  the nine month period, restaurant sales decreased 17% or
$341,000.  This  was  due to the lease expiration and closing of one Delco store
in  August  1998.  The  Company owned and operated three and four stores for the
periods  ending  March  28,  1999 and March 29, 1998,  respectively.  Comparable
store  sales  growth  at  Company-owned  stores increased 7% for the nine months
ended  March  28,  1999.

     Cost of sales for the quarter decreased 3% or $394,000 compared to the same
period  last  year  due  to lower food and supply sales as noted above.  For the
nine month period, cost of sales increased 3% or $1,008,000 compared to the same
period  last  year  primarily  due to the increase in domestic food sales due to
higher  cheese prices.  As a percentage of sales for the first nine months, cost
of  sales increased to 89% from 86% compared to the same period last year.  This
was  primarily  due  to  the significantly higher cost of cheese, an increase in
allocation  of corporate services expenses related to the Company's distribution
center,  offset  by  a  lower  volume  of  food  product  sold.

     Franchise  expenses  include  selling,  general and administrative expenses
directly  related  to the sale and service of franchises and Territories.  These
expenses  decreased  16% or $139,000 for the quarter and 10% or $251,000 for the
nine month period compared to the same period last year.  The decreases were due
to  an  increase  in  corporate services expenses allocation to the distribution
center  resulting  in  a  corresponding  decrease  in  franchise  expenses,  and
decreases  in  travel  expenses.  These  decreases  were  partially  offset  by
increased  franchise  trade show spending.  Additionally, franchise expenses for
the  first  nine  months of the prior year also included the amortization of the
Company's  cost  basis  in  a  reacquired  area  development  Territory.

     General  and  administrative  expenses  for  the  quarter  decreased  9% or
$122,000  compared  to  the  same  period  last  year  primarily due to a higher
allocation  of  corporate  services  expenses  to  the  distribution  center  to
accurately  reflect the total operating costs of the center.  For the nine month
period, general and administrative expenses increased 4% or $167,000 compared to
the  same  period  last  year.  This  is  principally  due to an increase in the
allowance  for  doubtful  accounts,  as  well  as  higher  professional fees and
insurance  expenses.  These  increases  were  partially  offset  by  the  higher
allocation  of  corporate  services  expenses  to  the  distribution  center.

     Interest expense increased 20% or $23,000 and 6% or $21,000 for the quarter
and  nine  months, respectively, compared to the same periods of the prior year.
This  is  a  result  of  higher average debt, which was offset slightly by lower
average  interest  rates.

                         LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES

     During  the  first  nine  months  of fiscal 1999, the Company utilized cash
provided  by  operations  in  the  amount  of  $4,988,000,  bank  borrowings  of
$1,700,000,  and  a portion of its cash balances to purchase 1,079,600 shares of
its  own  common  stock for $5,605,852 and to pay dividends of $2,164,000 on the
Company's  common  stock.

     Capital  expenditures  of  $731,000  during  the first nine months included
$414,000  for upgrading the Company's computer system (including compliance with
Year  2000  issues).  During  the  first  nine  months, $249,000 of the computer
system's  upgrades  was  transferred  to  a  36-month  capitalized  lease.

     On  March  29,  1999, the Company's Board of Directors declared a quarterly
dividend of $.06 per share on the Company's common stock, payable April 23, 1999
to  shareholders  of  record  on  April  9,  1999.

     The  Company  continues to realize substantial benefit from the utilization
of its net operating loss carryforwards (which currently total $11.9 million and
expire in 2005) to reduce its federal tax liability from the 34% to 31% tax rate
reflected  on  its statement of operations to an actual payment of approximately
2%  of taxable income.  Management believes that future operations will generate
sufficient  taxable income, along with the reversal of temporary differences, to
fully  realize  its net deferred tax asset balance ($5.8 million as of March 28,
1999)  without  reliance  on  material,  non-routine  income.  Taxable income in
future  years  at  the current level would be sufficient for full realization of
the  net  tax  asset.

     The  Company  has  assessed  its  computerized  systems  to determine their
ability  to  correctly  identify  the  year  2000  and is devoting the necessary
internal  and  external  resources to replace, upgrade or modify all significant
systems  related  to  the  year 2000.  The Company's assessment, purchase of new
equipment,  installation  of  new  software,  conversion and testing of data are
completed.  The  Company  fully  implemented  the new system in May 1999 and has
begun  processing  information.

     Because  third party computer failures could also have a material impact on
a  company's ability to conduct business, confirmations are being requested from
our  material vendors and suppliers to certify that plans are being developed by
them  to  address and become compliant with the year 2000 issues.  As of May 10,
1999,  the  Company  had  received  responses  from  approximately 80% from such
parties  and  all the responding companies have provided written assurances that
they expect to address all their significant year 2000 issues on a timely basis.
The  Company believes that any year 2000 impact on its franchisee base will have
no  material  effect  on  the  Company's  results  of  operations  since  sales
information is not currently communicated through computer systems.  Through the
assessment  of  the  Company's  critical  non-information  technology  systems,
management  has  determined  that  no  modifications  are required for year 2000
compliance  in  this  area.

          New software, testing, and conversion of systems and applications will
cost  approximately $550,000 and new hardware components will cost approximately
$300,000.  Total  system  upgrades  are  expected  to  position  the Company for
anticipated  future growth and enhance corporate service capabilities.  Of these
costs,  approximately  $730,000 has been incurred as of March 28, 1999.  All the
above  capital  expenditures  are  funded  through a 36-month capitalized lease.

     This  report  contains  certain forward-looking statements (as such term is
defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) relating to the
Company  that are based on the beliefs of the management of the Company, as well
as  assumptions and estimates made by and information currently available to the
Company's  management.  When  used  in  this  report,  the  words  "anticipate,"
"believe,"  "estimate,"  "expect,"  "intend"  and  similar  expressions, as they
relate  to  the  Company  or  the Company's management, identify forward-looking
statements.  Such  statements  reflect  the  current  views  of the Company with
respect  to  future  events  and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and
assumptions  relating to the operations and results of operations of the Company
as  well  as  its  customers and suppliers, including as a result of competitive
factors  and  pricing  pressures,  shifts  in  market  demand,  general economic
conditions and other factors including but not limited to, changes in demand for
Pizza Inn products or franchises, the impact of competitors' actions, changes in
prices  or supplies of food ingredients, and restrictions on international trade
and  business.  Should  one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize,
or  should  underlying  assumptions or estimates prove incorrect, actual results
may  vary  materially  from  those  described  herein  as anticipated, believed,
estimated,  expected  or  intended.


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

     Amendment  to  the Company's Restated Articles of Incorporation approved by
shareholders  at a Special Meeting on January 30, 1999.  The results of the vote
were  as  follows:

          FOR          AGAINST          ABSTAIN          BROKER  NON-VOTES
          ---          -------          -------          -----------------

          6,462,349     114,933           43,873              3,668,097

- -----------------------------------------------


3.1     Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  as filed on September 5, 1990 and
amended  on  January 30, 1999.

          No reports on Form 8-K were filed in the quarter for which this report
is  filed.


     Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

                                   PIZZA  INN,  INC.

                                   By:     /s/Ronald  W.  Parker
                                        Ronald  W.  Parker
                                        Executive  Vice  President  and
                                        Principal  Financial  Officer

                                   By:     /s/Shawn  M.  Preator
                                        Shawn  M.  Preator
                                        Controller  and
                                        Principal  Accounting  Officer

Dated:  May 11, 1999

                                 PIZZA INN, INC.
                        (as amended on JANUARY 30, 1999)
     The  undersigned  being the President and Secretary of Pizza Inn, Inc. (the
"Corporation")  do hereby certify that the following RESTATEMENT OF THE ARTICLES
the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors of the Corporation on August 31,
1990, and the following RESTATED ARTICLES correctly set forth without change the
corresponding  provisions of the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation as
theretofore  amended, and the following RESTATED ARTICLES supercede the original
Articles  of  Incorporation  of the Corporation and all amendments thereto.  The
incorporator  of  the  Corporation  was  Roy  Breeling, 5074 South 107th Street,
Omaha,  Nebraska  68127.
     The  name  of  this  Corporation  shall  be  PIZZA  INN,  INC.
     The  period  of  the  Corporation's  duration  is  perpetual.
3.1.     The purposes for which this Corporation is organized are the following:
(1)     To acquire, lease, own, hold, manage, conduct and/or otherwise operate a
     fast  food  service  facility and/or facilities, including, but not limited
to,  food  vending  facilities,  and/or  other  connection therewith to conduct,
perform  and/or  otherwise  operate  services  and facilities ancillary thereto.
(2)     To  acquire,  and pay for in cash, stock or bonds of this Corporation or
otherwise,  the  good  will,  rights,  assets  and property, and to undertake or
assume  the  whole  or any part of the obligations or liabilities of any person,
firm,  association  or  corporation.
(3)     To  acquire, hold, use, sell, assign, mortgage, lease and grant licenses
and franchises in respect of, letters patent of the United States or any foreign
country,  patent  rights,  licenses and privileges, inventions, improvements and
processes,  copyrights,  trademarks  and  trade  names, relating to or useful in
connection  with  any  business  of  this  Corporation.
(4)     To  acquire by purchase, subscription or otherwise and to receive, hold,
own,  guarantee, sell, assign, exchange, transfer, mortgage, pledge or otherwise
dispose of or deal in and with any of the shares of the capital stock, or voting
trust  certificates  in  respect  of  the  shares  of  the capital stock, scrip,
warrants,  rights,  bonds,  debentures,  notes,  trust  receipts,  and  other
securities,  obligations,  choses  in  action  and  evidences of indebtedness or
interest  issued  or  created  by  any  corporations,  joint  stock  companies,
syndicates, associations, firms, trusts or persons, public or private, or by the
government  of the United States of America, or by any foreign government, or by
any  state,  territory, province, municipality or other political subdivision or
by  any governmental agency and as owner thereof to possess and exercise all the
rights,  power  sand  privileges  of  ownership,  including the right to execute
consents  and  vote thereon, and to do any and all acts and things, necessary or
advisable  for  the  preservation,  protection,  improvement  and  enhancement
invention  value  thereof.
(5)     To  borrow  or  raise moneys for any of the purposes of the Corporation,
and  from  time  to  time  without  limit  as  to amount, to draw, make, accept,
endorse,  execute  and  issue  promissory  notes,  drafts,  bills  of  exchange,
warrants,  bonds,  debentures and other negotiable or non-negotiable instruments
and  evidences  of indebtedness, and to secure the payment of any thereof and of
the  interest  thereon  by  mortgage upon or pledge, conveyance or assignment in
trust  of  the  whole or any part of the property of the corporation, whether at
the  time owned or thereafter acquired, and to sell, pledge or otherwise dispose
of  such  bonds  or  other  obligations of the Corporation and for its corporate
(6)     To purchase, receive, take by grant, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise,
lease,  or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, employ, use and otherwise deal
in  and  with  real  or  personal  property,  or  any interest therein, wherever
situated,  and  to  sell, convey, lease, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose
of,  or mortgage or pledge, all or any of the Corporation's property and assets,
or  any  interest  therein,  wherever  situated.
(7)     To  purchase,  receive or otherwise acquire, hold, own, pledge, transfer
or  otherwise  dispose  of  its own shares, provided that it shall not purchase,
either  directly or indirectly, its own shares when its net assets are less than
its  stated  capital or when, by so doing, its net assets would be reduced below
its  stated  capital.
(8)     To  aid  either  by  loans or by guarantee of securities or in any other
manner, any corporation, domestic or foreign, any shares of stock, or any bonds,
debentures,  evidences  of  indebtedness or other securities whereof are held by
this  Corporation  or  in  which  it shall have any interest, and to do any acts
designed  to protect, preserve, improve, or enhance the value of any property at
any  time  held or controlled by this Corporation or in which it at the time may
be  interest.
(9)     To  do any or all of the things hereinabove enumerated alone for its own
account,  or  for  the  account  of  others,  or  as the agent for others, or in
association  with  others  or by or through others, and to enter into all lawful
contracts  and  undertakings  in  respect  thereof.
(10)     To  have  one  or  more  offices, to conduct its business, carry on its
operations  and promote its objects within and without the State of Missouri, in
other  states,  the  District  of  Columbia,  the  territories,  colonies  and
dependencies  of  the  United  States,  in foreign countries and anywhere in the
World,  without  restriction  as  to place, manner or amount, but subject to the
laws  applicable thereto; and to do any or all of the things herein set forth to
the  same  extent  as  a natural person might or could do and in any part of the
world,  either  alone  or  in  company  with  others.
(11)     In  general, to carry on any other business in connection with each and
all of the foregoing or incidental thereto, and to carry on, transact and engage
in any and every lawful business or other lawful thing calculated to be of gain,
profit  or  benefit  to  the Corporation as fully and freely as a natural person
might  do,  to the extent and in the manner, and anywhere within and without the
State  of  Missouri,  as  it  may  from  time to time determine; and to have and
exercise each and all of the powers and privileges, either direct or incidental,
which  are given and provided by or are available under the laws of the State of
Missouri  in  respect  of general and business corporations organized for profit
thereunder;  provided,  however,  that  the  Corporation shall not engage in any
activity  for  which a Corporation may not be formed under the laws of the State
of  Missouri.
     None  of the purposes and powers specified in any of the paragraphs of this
ARTICLE  III  shall  be  in  any  way  limited  or restricted by reference to or
inference  from  the  terms  of any other paragraph, and the purposes and powers
specified  in  each  of  the paragraphs of this ARTICLE III shall be regarded as
independent  purposes  and  powers.  The  enumeration  of  specific purposes and
powers  in this ARTICLE III shall not be construed to restrict in any manner the
general purposes and powers of this Corporation, nor shall the expression of one
thing  be  deemed  to  exclude  another,  although  it  be  of like nature.  The
enumeration  of  purposes  or powers herein shall not be deemed to exclude or in
any  way  limit  by  inference any purposes or powers which this Corporation has
power  to  exercise, whether expressly by the laws of the State of Missouri, nor
hereafter  in  effect,  or  implied by any reasonable construction of such laws.
4.1.     The  total  number  and designation of shares of capital stock that the
Corporation shall have the authority to issue is Twenty-Six Million (26,000,000)
     shares of Common Stock, with the par value of one cent ($.01) per share and
Five  Million  (5,000,000)  shares of Preferred Stock, with the par value of one
dollar  ($1.00)  per  share.
4.2.     Each  holder of Common Stock shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote for
each share of Common Stock issued and outstanding in his or her name.  No Common
Stock  shall be issued without voting rights.  Except as hereinafter provided in
Section  5.7,  Preferred  Stock  shall  be non-voting unless converted to Common

                           [Sections 4.3-4.17 deleted]
5.1.     The distinctive designation of the series of Preferred Stock authorized
     hereby  shall  be  "10%  Non-Voting Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock"
(the  "Preferred  Stock").  The  number  of authorized shares of Preferred Stock
shall  be  5,000,000.  Shares  of  Preferred  Stock  which  have been issued and
reacquired  in  any  manner, including shares purchased or redeemed, shall (upon
compliance  with  any  applicable  provisions  of the General Corporation Law of
Missouri)  have  the  status  of  authorized and unissued shares.  The Preferred
Stock  shall  only  be  issued  prior  to  August  1, 1992 in lieu of payment of
interest on the Term Loan pursuant to the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement.
Any  reallocation  of  the respective interests of Lloyds Bank Plc and Kleinwort
Benson  Limited  between  themselves  with respect to ownership of the Preferred
Stock  shall  not  be  subject  to  the  provisions  of Section 4.10.  Except as
hereinafter  provided  in  Section 5.7, the Preferred Stock shall be non-voting;
provided,  however, that the Preferred Stock may be converted into voting Common
Stock  as  hereinafter  set  forth  in  Section  5.5  hereof.
5.2.     The  holders of shares of Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive,
when,  as  and  if  declared  by  the  Board  of Directors, out of funds legally
available  therefor,  dividends  at  the  annual rate of ten percent ($0.10) per
share,  and  no  more.  Such  dividend  shall be cumulative and shall be payable
within  110  days after the end of the Corporation's fiscal year commencing with
the  first  fiscal  year  ended  subsequent  to  the  issuance  of any shares of
Preferred  Stock  and  within  110  days  of  the  end of each fiscal year ended
thereafter  (each of such dates being a "dividend payment date") with respect to
each  fiscal  year  of  the Corporation ending subsequent to the issuance of any
shares of Preferred Stock, to stockholders of record on the respective date, not
exceeding  50  days  preceding such dividend payment date, as shall be fixed for
this  purpose by the Board of Directors in advance of payment of each particular
dividend.  In  the event that Preferred Stock has been outstanding for less than
a full fiscal year or the Corporation shall have changed its fiscal year, as the
case  may be, such dividend shall accrue at the annual rate of 10% only for such
period  of  time as such Preferred Stock shall have been issued and outstanding.
All  dividends  paid with respect to shares of Preferred Stock shall be paid pro
rata  to  the holders entitled thereto.  Dividends on such Preferred Stock shall
be  fully  cumulative  and shall accrue (whether or not earned or declared) from
and  after  their respective issuance date.  Holders of Preferred Stock will not
be  entitled  to  any  dividends, whether payable in cash, property or stock, in
excess  of  full  cumulative  dividends.  No interest or sum of money in lieu of
interest  shall  be  payable  in  respect  of  any accumulated unpaid dividends.
5.3.     (a)     In  the  event  of  any  voluntary  or involuntary liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding  up of the affairs of the Corporation, then, before any
distribution  or  payment  shall  be  made  to  the holders of Common Stock, the
holders  of  shares  of Preferred Stock then outstanding shall be entitled to be
paid  out  of  the  assets  of the Corporation available for distribution to its
shareholders  an amount in cash equal to $1.00 for each share of Preferred Stock
outstanding  (which  amount  is  hereinafter  referred  to  as  the "liquidation
preference"),  together  with  an amount in cash equal to all accrued and unpaid
dividends  thereon to the date fixed for liquidation, dissolution or winding up.
Except  as  provided in the preceding sentence, holders of Preferred Stock shall
not  be entitled to any distribution in the event of liquidation, dissolution or
winding  up of the affairs of the Corporation.  If the assets of the Corporation
are  not  sufficient  to  pay  in  full  the liquidation payments payable to the
holders  of  outstanding  shares of the Preferred Stock, then the holders of all
such shares shall share ratably in any distribution of assets in accordance with
the  amount  which would be payable on such distribution if the amounts to which
the  holders  of outstanding shares of Preferred Stock are entitled were paid in
     For  the  purposes  of  this  Section  5.3,  neither  the  voluntary  sale,
conveyance, exchange or transfer (for cash, shares of stock, securities or other
consideration)  of  all  or  substantially  all of the property or assets of the
Corporation  nor  the  consolidation or merger of the Corporation with any other
corporation  shall  be  deemed  to  be  a  voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the  Corporation,  unless such voluntary sale,
conveyance,  exchange, transfer, consolidation, or merger shall be in connection
with  a  plan  of  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding up of the Corporation.
5.4.     (a)     Subject  to  subsection  (b) of this Section 5.4, to the extent
the  Corporation  shall  have  funds  legally available for such redemption, the
Corporation, at the option of the Board of Directors, may redeem, in whole or in
     part, the shares of Preferred Stock at the time outstanding, at any time or
from  time  to time, upon notice given as hereinafter specified, at a redemption
price  of $1.00 per share, together with accrued and unpaid dividends thereon to
the  redemption  date.
     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing provisions of Section 5.4(a) hereof, unless
the full cumulative dividends on all outstanding shares of preferred Stock shall
have  been paid or contemporaneously are declared and paid for all past dividend
periods,  none  of  the  shares of preferred Stock shall be redeemed pursuant to
Section  5.4(a)  hereof  unless  all  outstanding  shares of Preferred Stock are
simultaneously  redeemed.
On  or  prior  to 100 days after the end of each fiscal year of the Corporation,
commencing  with  the  fiscal year ending in 1991, to the extent the Corporation
shall  have  funds  legally  available  therefor, the Corporation shall apply an
amount  equal  to  Excess  Cash  Flow as of the end of the immediately preceding
fiscal  year of the Corporation to mandatory redemption, in whole or in part, of
the  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  at the time outstanding, upon notice given as
hereinafter  specified,  at a redemption price of $1.00 per share, together with
accrued  and  unpaid dividends thereon to the redemption date.  If any shares of
Preferred  Stock  shall  be  outstanding  on  August  1, 1995, to the extent the
Corporation shall have funds legally available for such payment, the Corporation
shall  redeem all outstanding shares of Preferred Stock at a redemption price of
$1.00  per  share,  together  with  accrued  and unpaid dividends thereon to the
redemption  date.
If  the  Corporation  shall  fail  to  discharge  its  obligation  to redeem any
outstanding  shares  of  Preferred  Stock pursuant to Section 5.4(c) hereof (the
"Mandatory Redemption Obligation"), the Mandatory Redemption Obligation shall be
discharged  as  soon  as  the  Corporation  is  able to discharge much Mandatory
Redemption  Obligation.  If  and  so long as the Mandatory Redemption Obligation
with  respect  to  the  Preferred  Stock  shall  not  be  fully  discharged, the
Corporation  shall  not declare or pay any dividend or make any distribution on,
or,  directly  or  indirectly,  purchase,  redeem  or  satisfy  any  mandatory
redemption,  sinking and/or other similar obligations in respect of Common Stock
(other  than  as a result of a reclassification of Common Stock, or the exchange
or  conversion  of one class or series of Common Stock for or into another class
or  series  of  Common Stock, or other than through the use of the proceeds of a
substantially  contemporaneous sale of the Common Stock) or any warrants, rights
or  options  exercisable  for  or  convertible  into  any  of  the Common Stock.
In  the  event that fewer than all the outstanding shares of Preferred Stock are
to  be  redeemed, the number of shares to be redeemed shall be determined by the
Board  of  Directors  and the shares shall be redeemed on a pro rata basis among
holders  of  Preferred  Stock.
In the event that the Corporation shall redeem shares of Preferred Stock, notice
of  every redemption of shares of Preferred Stock shall be mailed by first class
mail,  postage  prepaid,  and mailed not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days
prior to the redemption date addressed to the holders of record of the shares to
be redeemed at their respective last addresses as they shall appear on the books
of  the  Corporation; provided, however, that failure to give such notice or any
defect  therein  or  in the mailing thereof shall not affect the validity of the
procedure  for  the  redemption  of any shares of Preferred Stock to be redeemed
except  as  to any holder to whom the Corporation has failed to give such notice
or except as to any holder to whom notice was defective.  Each such notice shall
state:  (i) the redemption date; (ii) the number of shares of Preferred Stock to
be  redeemed  and,  if  less  than  all the shares held by such holder are to be
redeemed,  the number of such shares to be redeemed; (iii) the redemption price;
(iv)  the  place  or  places  where  certificates  for  such  shares  are  to be
surrendered  for  payment of the redemption price; and (v) that dividends on the
shares  to  be  redeemed  will  cease  to  accrue  on  such  redemption  date.
Notice  having  been  mailed  as  aforesaid  and  provided that on or before the
redemption date specified in such notice all funds necessary for such redemption
shall  have been set aside by the Corporation, separate and apart from its other
funds,  in trust for the pro rata benefit of the holders of the shares so called
for redemption, so as to be and to continue to be available therefor, then, from
and  after  the  redemption  date  dividends on the shares of Preferred Stock so
called  for redemption shall cease to accrue, and said shares shall no longer be
deemed  to  be  outstanding and shall not have the status of shares of Preferred
Stock,  and all rights of the holders thereof as shareholders of the Corporation
(except  the  right to receive from the Corporation the redemption price and any
accrued  and  unpaid  dividends) shall cease.  Upon surrender in accordance with
said notice of the certificates for any shares so redeemed (properly endorsed or
assigned for transfer, if the Board of Directors shall so require and the notice
shall  so  state),  such  shares  shall  be  redeemed  by the Corporation at the
redemption  price  aforesaid.  In  case fewer than all the shares represented by
any  such  certificate  are redeemed, a new certificate or certificates shall be
issued  representing  the  unredeemed shares without cost to the holder thereof.
5.5.     Upon  the  occurrence  of  a  default  resulting from the Corporation's
failure to make a scheduled payment of principal or accrued interest on the Term
     Loan,  the  Revolving  Credit Loan or the Asset Paydown Loan (as such loans
are  defined  in  the  Plan) and the continuance of such default for 90 calendar
days,  the  Agent  for  the  Banks  (as defined in the Plan) will be entitled to
convert  all  shares of Preferred Stock into shares of Common Stock equal to 51%
of  the  issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock on a fully diluted basis;
provided,  however,  that  the  Agent  will  only  be entitled to consummate the
foregoing  conversion  if  at the time of default the Agent is holding shares of
Preferred  Stock  with  an  aggregate  par  value  equal  to  or  greater  than
$250,000.00;  and provided further that in the event the Corporation has reduced
the  outstanding  principal  indebtedness  on  such  loans  to  an  aggregate of
$15,000,000.00,  the  Preferred Stock will be converted into a lesser percentage
of  Common  Stock  on a fully diluted basis as defined by the following formula:
(par  value  of  Preferred  Stock  held  by the Agent on the date of exercise of
conversion,  divided  by  the par value of the maximum amount of Preferred Stock
previously  issued)  times  51%.
5.6.     No  holder  of shares of stock authorized or issued pursuant to ARTICLE
IV  or  this  ARTICLE  V  shall  have  any  preferential or preemptive rights of
subscription  to  any shares of capital stock of this Corporation, either now or
hereafter  authorized,  or  to any obligations convertible into capital stock of
this Corporation, issued or sold, nor any rights of subscription to any thereof,
other than such rights, if any, as are hereinabove stated in this Article V with
respect  to  the  Preferred  Stock.
5.7.     The  holders of the Common Stock shall have the exclusive right to vote
upon  all  questions  presented  for  shareholder  vote,  and the holders of the
Preferred  Stock  shall  have  no right to vote upon any such question except as
otherwise expressly provided by Missouri law, these Articles of Incorporation or
by  any  other law, rule or regulation to which the Corporation is or may become
5.8.     The  Corporation  reserves  the  right  to  alter, amend, or repeal any
provision  contained  in  its  Articles  of  Incorporation  in the manner now or
hereafter  prescribed  by  the  statutes  of Missouri, and all rights and powers
conferred  herein  are  granted subject to this reservation; and, in particular,
the  Corporation  reserves  the  right  and  privilege  to amend its Articles of
Incorporation  from  time to time so as to authorize other or additional classes
of shares (including preferential shares), to increase or decrease the number of
shares  of any class now or hereafter authorized, to establish, limit or deny to
stockholders  of  any class the right to purchase or subscribe for any shares of
stock  of  the  Corporation of any class, whether now or hereafter authorized or
whether  issued for cash, property or services or as a dividend or otherwise, or
to  purchase  or  subscribe  for  any  obligations, bonds, notes, debentures, or
securities  or  stock  convertible  into  shares  of stock of the Corporation or
carrying  or  evidencing any right to purchase shares of stock of any class, and
to  vary  the  preferences,  priorities,  special  powers,  qualifications,
limitations,  restrictions  and  the  special  or  relative  rights  or  other
characteristics  in respect to the shares of each class, and to accept and avail
itself  of  or  subject  itself  to,  the provisions of any statutes of Missouri
hereafter  enacted  pertaining to general and business corporations, to exercise
all  the  rights,  powers  and  privileges conferred upon corporations organized
thereunder or accepting the provisions thereof and to assume the obligations and
duties  imposed  therein, upon the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority
of  the  shares  of  each  class  whose  separate  vote  is  required  thereon.
     In  the  absence  of  fraud,  no  contract or other transaction between the
Corporation  and  any  other  person, corporation, firm, syndicate, association,
partnership,  or  joint  venture  shall  be  wholly  or partially invalidated or
otherwise  affected  by  reason of the fact that one or more of the directors of
the  Corporation  are  or  are  to  become  Directors  or officers of such other
corporation,  firm,  syndicate or association, or members of such partnership or
joint  venture,  or  are pecuniarily or otherwise interested in such contractual
transaction,  provided,  that  the  fact  such  director  or  directors  of  the
Corporation  are  so  situated  or  so interested or both, shall be disclosed or
shall  have  been  known  to  the  Board  of  Directors of the Corporation.  Any
director  or  directors  of the Corporation who is also a director or officer of
such  other  corporation,  firm,  syndicate  or association, or a member of such
partnership,  or  joint  venture, or pecuniarily or otherwise interested in such
contract  or  transaction,  may  be  counted  for the purpose of determining the
existence  of  a  quorum  at  any  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Directors of the
Corporation  which  shall  authorize any such contract or transaction and in the
absence  of  fraud,  and  as long as he acts in god faith, any such director may
vote there at to authorize any such contract or transaction, with like force and
effect  as if he were not a director or officer of such other corporation, firm,
syndicate,  or association, or a member of such partnership or joint venture, or
pecuniarily  or  otherwise  interested  in  such  contract or transaction; it is
expressly  provided,  however, that the Board of Directors may not authorize the
contract  or  transaction  without  the  affirmative  vote  of a majority of the
disinterested directors, even though the disinterested directors constitute less
than  a  quorum.
     The street address of the registered office of the Corporation is 906 Olive
Street,  St.  Louis,  Missouri  63101,  and the initial registered agent at such
address  is  CT  Corporation  System.
8.1.     The  business  and  affairs  of the Corporation shall be managed by, or
under  the  direction  of,  a  Board  of  Directors.  The number of directors to
constitute  the  Board  of  Directors  is  seven  (7).
8.2.     The directors shall be divided into two (2) classes with respect to the
time  for  which  they  severally  hold office, designated Class I and Class II.
Class  I shall be composed of four (4) directors who shall hold office until the
1994  Annual  meeting and until their respective successors shall be elected and
shall  qualify.  Class  II shall be composed of three (3) directors (the initial
members of this class being designated in the Plan), who shall hold office until
the  annual  meeting  of  the  shareholders  in  1993 and until their respective
successors  shall  be elected and shall qualify.  Upon expiration of the initial
terms  of the office of directors as classified above, their successors shall be
elected  for  a  term  expiring  at  the  annual  meeting  of  the Corporation's
shareholders  held in the second year following the year of their election.  Any
director elected to fill any vacancy on the Board of Directors shall hold office
for  the  remainder  of  the  full  term of the class of directors in which such
vacancy  occurs.
8.3.     Any  vacancy  on  the  Board  of  Directors  arising  from  the  death,
resignation,  retirement, disqualification or removal from office of one or more
directors  may be filled by a majority of the Board of Directors then in office,
although less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director.  At any time until
August  1, 1995, the shareholders shall have the power by vote of the holders of
75% of the shares of stock then entitled to vote at any meeting expressly called
for  that  purpose,  to  remove  any director from office with or without cause;
provided,  however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, during the initial terms
of  office  of  the Class I and Class II Directors, no director shall be removed
from  office  except  for  cause,  cause being defined solely as fraud, physical
disability  or  mental incapacity.  Any director elected to fill a vacancy shall
have  the  same  remaining  term  as  that  of  his  or  her  predecessor.
8.4.     The  method  of  nomination and conduct of the election of directors at
the  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  shall  be  prescribed  in  the  By-Laws.
8.5.     Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles of Incorporation,
until  August  1,  1995, no amendment, alteration or repeal of this Article VIII
shall  be  effective  unless  approved  by the holders of shares of stock of the
Corporation  representing  at least 75% of the votes entitled to be cast thereon
at  a  meeting  of  the  shareholders  duly  called  for  consideration  of such
     The  private  property  of  the  stockholders  shall  not be subject to the
payment  of  the  corporate  debts  of  the  Corporation.
     10.1     The  Corporation  shall  have  and  exercise all powers and rights
conferred  upon  corporations  by  the  General  and Business Corporation Law of
Missouri  and any enlargement of such powers conferred by subsequent legislative
acts;  and,  in  addition  thereto,  the Corporation shall have and exercise all
powers and rights, not otherwise denied corporations by the General and Business
Corporation  Law  of Missouri, as are necessary, suitable, proper, convenient or
expedient  to  the  attainment  of  the purposes set forth in Article III above.
     10.2     Except  as  may  be otherwise specifically provided by statute, or
the Articles of Incorporation or the By-laws of the Corporation, as from time to
time amended, all powers of management, direction and control of the Corporation
shall  be,  and  hereby  are,  vested  in  the  Board  of  Directors.
10.3     The  By-laws  of  the  Corporation  may  from  time to time be altered,
amended, suspended or repealed, or new By-laws may be adopted by a majority vote
of  the  Board  of  Directors,  subject  to any and all restrictions imposed, or
prohibitions  provided, by the General and Business Corporation Law of Missouri.
10.4     The  Board  of  Directors  may  designate an Executive Committee in the
manner  and  subject  to  the  limitations  set  forth  in  the  By-laws  of the
10.5     The  directors  shall have power to hold their meetings and to keep the
books  (except  any books required to be kept in the State of Missouri, pursuant
to  the  laws  thereof)  at  any  place within or without the State of Missouri.
11.1.     The  Corporation  may agree to the terms and conditions upon which any
director  or  officer  accepts  his  office or position and in its By-laws or by
contract may agree to indemnify and protect each and all of such persons and any
     person  who,  at  the  request  of  the Corporation served as a director or
officer of another Corporation in which this Corporation owned stock against all
costs  and expenses reasonably incurred by any or all of them, and all liability
imposed  or  threatened  to  be imposed upon any or all of them, by reason of or
arising  out  of their or any of them being or having been a director or officer
of  this  Corporation  or  of  such  other  corporation;  but any such By-law or
contractual  provision  shall  not  be exclusive of any other right or rights of
any  such director or officer to be indemnified and protected against such costs
and  liabilities  which  he  may  otherwise  possess.
11.2.     The Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party or is
threatened  to  be  made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action,
suit  or  proceedings,  whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative
(other  than  an action by or in the right of this Corporation) by reason of the
fact  that  he  is  or  was  a  director,  officer,  employee  or  agent of this
Corporation,  or  is  or  was  serving  at  the request of this Corporation as a
director,  officer,  employee, partner, trustee or agent of another corporation,
partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or  other  enterprise,  against  expenses
(including  attorneys'  fees),  judgments,  fines,  taxes  and  amounts  paid in
settlement  actually  and  reasonably  incurred  by  him in connection with such
action,  suit  or  proceeding  if  he  acted  in  good  faith and in a manner he
reasonably  believed  to  be  in  or  not  opposed to the best interests of this
Corporation,  and,  with  respect  to  any criminal action or proceeding, had no
reasonable  cause  to  believe his conduct was unlawful.  The termination of any
action, suit or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a
plea  of  nolo  contendere  or  its  equivalent,  shall not, of itself, create a
presumption  that  the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which he
reasonably  believed  to  be  in  or  not  opposed to the best interests of this
Corporation, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, that he had
reasonable  cause  to  believe  that  his  conduct  was  unlawful.
11.3.     This  Corporation  shall indemnify any person who was or is a party or
is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action,
suit  by  or in the right of this Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor
by  reason  of the fact that he is or was a director, officer, employee or agent
of  this Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of this Corporation as
a director, officer, employee, partner, trustee or agent of another corporation,
partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or  other  enterprise  against  expenses
(including  attorneys'  fees)  and  amounts  paid  in  settlement  actually  and
reasonably  incurred by him in connection with the defense or settlement of such
action  or suit if he acted in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed
to be in or not opposed to the best interests of this Corporation except that no
indemnification  shall  be  made  in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to
which  such  person  shall  have  been  adjudged  to be liable for negligence or
misconduct  in the performance of his duty to the Corporation unless and only to
the  extent  that  the  Court  in  which  such  action or suit was brought shall
determine  upon  application  that, despite the adjudication of liability but in
view  of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably
entitled  to  indemnify for such expenses which the Court shall deem proper. Any
indemnification  under this Article XI (unless ordered by a Court) shall be made
by  this  Corporation  only  as  authorized  in  the  specific  instance  upon a
determination  that indemnification of the director, officer, employee, partner,
trustee  or  agent  is  proper  in  the  circumstances  because  he  has met the
applicable standard of conduct set forth in this Article XI.  Such determination
shall  be  made  (1)  by  the  Board of Directors by a majority vote of a quorum
consisting of Directors who were not parties to such action, suit or proceeding,
or  (2)  if  such  quorum is not obtainable, or, even if obtainable, a quorum of
disinterested  Directors  so  directs, by independent legal counsel in a written
opinion,  or  (3)  by the shareholders.  To the extent that a director, officer,
employee  or  agent  of  the  Corporation  has  been successful on the merits or
otherwise  in  defense  of  any  action, suit, or proceeding referred to in this
Article  XI,  or  in  defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he shall be
indemnified against expenses, including attorneys' fees, actually and reasonably
incurred  by  him  in  connection  with  the  action,  suit,  or  proceeding.
11.4.     Expenses  incurred  in  defending  any  actual  or threatened civil or
criminal  action,  suit or proceeding may be paid by this Corporation in advance
of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding as authorized by the
Board of Directors in the specific instance upon receipt of an undertaking by or
on behalf of the director, officer, employee, partner, trustee or agent to repay
such  amount  unless it shall be ultimately determined that he is entitled to be
indemnified  by  the  Corporation  as  authorized  in  this  Article  XI.
11.5.     The  indemnification  provided  by this Article XI shall not be deemed
exclusive  of  any  other  rights  to which those seeking indemnification may be
entitled  under  any  By-law,  agreement,  vote of shareholders or disinterested
Directors  or  otherwise,  both  as to action in his official capacity and as to
action in another capacity while holding such office, and shall continue as to a
person  who  has caused to be a director, officer, employee, partner, trustee or
agent  and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators
of  such  a  person.
11.6.     For  the purposes of this Article XI, references to this "Corporation"
include  all  constituent  corporations absorbed in a consolidation or merger as
well  as the resulting or surviving corporation so that any person who is or was
a  director,  officer, employee, partner, trustee or agent of such a constituent
corporation  as  a  director,  officer,  employee,  partner, trustee or agent of
another enterprise shall stand in the same position under the provisions of this
Article  XI  with  respect  to  the  resulting surviving corporation in the same
11.7.     In the event any provision of this Article XI shall be held invalid by
any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate any other
provisions  of this Article XI and any other provisions of this Article XI shall
be  construed  as  if  such  invalid  provisions  had not been contained in this
Article  XI.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned,  C  Jeffrey Rogers, President, has
executed  this  instrument and its Assistant Secretary has affixed its corporate
seal  hereto  and  attested  said  seal  as  of  the  30th day of January, 1999.
               PIZZA  INN,  INC.


/s/B. Keith  Clark                By:/s/Jeffrey  Rogers
B.  Keith  Clark                    C.  Jeffrey  Rogers
Secretary                           President


5 1000 9-MOS JUN-27-1999 JUN-29-1998 MAR-28-1999 590 0 5964 965 1963 9153 1823 0 19282 5008 0 115 0 0 5884 19282 45557 49963 40415 40415 2289 177 396 2871 897 1974 0 0 0 1974 .17 .16